Lucky Number(details below)
When the number of ALL\JP3\JP2\JP1 meets the following criteria,you will get extral bonus
1、吉祥日子/lucky date
last two digit of the number is the same as the date of today. For example, 01 is the lucky day of April 1st.
2、吉祥连连/lucky straight
出分是顺子,例如 123 或 321 或 4321 或 1234,如果是 4123,不中;1235,不中。
the number is a straight. For example, 123\321\1234\4321.
3、吉祥三宝/lucky triple
出分的所有数字相同,例如 333 或 3333,如果是 1333,不中;3331,不中;3313,不中。
All the digit of the number is exactly the same. For example, 333/3333/222/5555.
4、吉祥如意/Super luck
出分是666 或 6666 或 888 或 8888
The number is exactly 666\6666\888\8888
奖励如下/bonus as below:

欢乐、西游、熊猫等房间中奖后,中奖后马上截图联系微信客服 jingchu272 领取,24小时内有效。
Bonus of room Happy, Super, Super+ and Magic(only the four types), you can claim your bonus in the Idol of the room, 3 days valid.
Wish you a good time with us.
The final interpretation right belongs to this app.